


How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?


Stinkyman No. 2 (Revised, not final)

No. 2 – A Fine How Do you Do


Panel 1 – Inside the Diplomat Lounge. The place is in disarray – tables overturned, front door smashed in, patrons scrambling for cover. Stinkyman stands next to the dead body of a bouncer, our hero’s gun extended at Bones, the proprietor of the establishment, who is seated comfortably at a corner table.

CAPTION: “I was looking for a little girl. The trail led me here.”

BONES: Very impressive entrance. One of the best I’ve seen. Really, I’m not just saying that. On a scale of one to ten, I’d give it at least an eight.


Panel 1 – Down the barrel of Stinkyman’s gun.

STINKYMAN: Where’s the girl, you bony piece of filth?

Panel 2 – Over the shoulder view from Stinkyman POV toward Bones, who is clearly hurt by the insult.

BONES: I compliment you and that’s what you say to me? A crude insult?

STINKYMAN: You have three seconds before I put a bullet between your eyes.

Panel 3 – Bones, disappointed.

BONES: Really, now? Please, put that thing away. You look ridiculous standing there, and after such a strong opening too.

Panel 4 – Stinkyman, close-up, losing patience.

STINKYMAN: I’m not joking, pal! I’ll splinter that Halloween head of yours all over that wall. Now talk!

Panel 5 – Wide sideways shot of both of them.

BONES: Of course you won’t. That temper of your’s got the best of you when you killed my associate, Mr. Smooth. You won’t make the mistake with me.

STINKYMAN: I won’t? Care to make a bet?

BONES: I’m quite sure. If you kill me, you’ll never find what you’re looking for.


Panel 1 – Same angle as the previous panel.

BONES: Sit down, Mister…?

STINKYMAN: Smith. John Smith.

Panel 2 – Bones with a grin…

BONES: Yes. Of course, Mr. Smith. Please, have a drink.

Panel 3 - Stinkyman sits

STINKYMAN: No thanks.

Panel 4 – Top-down view of inside the club. Two men drag away the bodies of the fallen bouncers. Things get back to normal at the “Diplomat Lounge.”

BONES: Rusty, music please. Everyone, continue to enjoy your evening. The excitement is over for the night.

RUSTY THE BARTENDER: Sure thing, Mr. Bones, sir.


Panel 1 – View from outside the Diplomat Lounge. A new bouncer stands at the door and we can see the heels of the first fallen Bouncer being dragged away. A stream of customers, not quite comforted by Bones’s words, spills out to the street.

BONES: Please do have a drink, Mr. Smith. Let’s talk like civilized men.

STINKYMAN: Scotch, no rocks.

Panel 2 – Inside the club, RUSTY has brought two drinks. Wide angle on the corner table with Stinkyman and Bones.

STINKYMAN: ‘Civilized.’ That’s funny. Kidnapping little girls – that’s plenty civilized.

Panel 3 – Stinkyman POV on Bones.

BONES: Eh? Depends on your definition.

STINKYMAN: Of ‘civilized?’

BONES: Of ‘kidnapping.’

Panel 4 – Medium shot of table, Stinkyman leaning in on his forearm getting angry. Bones daintily sips from his glass, very relaxed in his own joint.

STINKYMAN: What the hell does that mean? You steal children from their homes, from their families and force them to do God knows what. That’s kidnapping in any dictionary, Pal.

BONES: I steal nothing. You have no idea what’s happening, do you? No, you don’t. How interesting.

Panel 5 – Bones and Stinkyman

BONES: Anyway, it’s basic economics. Supply and demand. Highest bidder wins, and I’m always listening to offers. I often acquire goods and services and then distribute them to a audience willing to pay a premium for, shall we say, hard-to-find items.

STINKYMAN: Just a simple business man, huh?

BONES: Precisely. It’s none of my business what a customer does with merchandise after he buys it. It’s his money, you know.


Panel 1 – Stinkyman drains his scotch.

STINKYMAN: You’re one sick bastard. So the girls, where does this ‘merchandise’ come from?

Panel 2 – Bones waves a dismissive hand.

BONES: Nothing to worry about, Mr. Smith. Just a thin cut off the bottom, the forgotten population, the burnt crust society has long since discarded. They won’t be missed.

STINKYMAN: What about their parents?

BONES: Most of them don’t have parents – runaways mainly. Really, this conversation is boring. Let’s talk business.

Panel 3 – Rusty the bartender returns, fills Stinkyman’s tumbler.

STINKYMAN: Rusty? Just leave the bottle. (To Bones) Business?

Panel 4 – Bones smiles wide. This is what he loves.

BONES: Of course. Everything is negotiable. You want something, there is a price to pay.

STINKYMAN: What do I want?

Panel 5 – Bones for the first time looks downright sinister and we see that he can be one scary motherfucker!

BONES: You came for a girl, right? To rescue some broken doll from the land of misfit toys? Is that right, Mr. Smith? Isn’t that why you barged into my place and killed two of my men? Why you insult me, threaten me? Violence will get you nowhere in here, Mr. Smith, but you can certainly have anything you want.

Panel 6 – Stinkyman is now flanked by two Super-size bodyguards, each holding guns. There will be no element of surprise for our hero this time. Stinkyman gives an annoyed glance toward one of the guards.

STINKYMAN: For a price of course.


Panel 1 – Bones, back to his charming persona, tugs on the lapels of his immaculate suit. Big grin.

BONES: Armani doesn’t give away suits, Mr. Smith.

STINKYMAN: How much?

Panel 2 – Wide shot from inside the club. We can see Stinkyman, Bones and the guards.

BONES: How much are you being paid to find this runaway?

STINKYMAN: Would Macy’s tell Gimbels?

BONES: Oh, don’t misunderstand. I don’t care about your fee. I’m sure you’re worth every penny. I just wonder if you know.

Panel 3 – Tight on Stinkyman, frowning.

Panel 4 – Tight on Stinkyman.

BONES (off camera): Mr. Smith?


Panel 1 – An alley hidden deep in the darkest parts of some unknown city. Stinkyman, dressed in the uniform of a typical bum, slumps against a makeshift shelter of garbage cans, trash and a cardboard box. He is passed out with a drained bottle lying on the pavement beside him.

CAPTION (BONES): Tell me about the little girl. What does she look like? Surely her grieving parents provided you a snapshot of their little angel, or at least gave you a description. How else would you know how to find her?

Panel 2 – Similar to Panel 1, except for the shadowy figure cast over Stinkyman in the tiny bit of light cast by the full moon.

CAPTION (BONES): Mr. Smith, do you hear me. . .

SHADOW: . . . You hear me? I said get up. We’re losing time.

Panel 3 – Stinkyman awakes, his eyes are mere slits.

SHADOW: You don’t have much time. You’ve got to find her. You must find her soon or all is lost.

STINKYMAN: I look like a cop? Get lost, Pal.

Panel 4 – Bright shining light washes out the frame.

Panel 5 – Stinkyman’s alley is lit up like a Hollywood spotlight. He shields his eyes from the glare. The shadow is gone, replaced by the source of the incredible light.

BRIGHT LIGHT: The darkness threatens everything! Find the girl. Protect the light. It’s up to you. Salvation hangs in the balance. You control the future!


Panels 1-4 – The light slowly fades until Stinkyman is left in near total darkness in the alley.

SHADOW (Invisible in the darkness): When the time comes, you must make a decision. The path you choose will determine the course of everything you understand to be reality.

STINKYMAN: Wait! I don’t under. . .

Panel 5 - Black


Panel 1 – Medium on Bones from Stinkyman POV.

STINKYMAN: She’s … She’s here. I know that. And I also know that I’m not leaving without her.

BONES: John Smith. Interesting name. Like living on Main Street or having a dog named Spot. Did you have a name picked out when you walked in here or did you make it up on the spot? Not very creative.

Panel 2 – Medium on Stinky, over the shoulder from Bones’ POV. Another swig of scotch.

Panel 3 – Big wide shot of the club. Stinkyman stands.


Panel 1 – The young woman helps a bleeding Stinkyman into the passenger seat of a sleek sedan.


Panel 2 – The woman is driving. Stinkyman slumps against the passenger-side window.

YOUNG WOMAN: It’s getting worse. Five days you were out, and the whole thing’s going to—

Panel 3 – Tight on the young woman’s eyes in the rearview mirror. Red and blue flashing lights are behind them.


Panel 4 – The sedan is pulled over, the cop car parked behind. A cop in riot gear approaches from the driver’s side, while another stands by the cop car with a hand on his sidearm.

YOUNG WOMAN: Be cool. I got this.

STINKYMAN: Hnnnnnnhhh.


Panel 1: Side of car. The woman has the window rolled down. She flashes a smile to the cop.

YOUNG WOMAN: What? Was I speeding?

COP: You better have some paperwork, Sweetie.

Panel 2: The woman’s smile is gone. She holds up a badge.

YOUNG WOMAN: You mean something like this?

COP: Oh. I’m sorry, Ma’am. I’ve made a mistake. Don’t get many cars down this way. Know most of the regulars, didn’t recognize this one. Sorry to hold you up. You’re, of course, free to y’know, uh, go.

YOUNG WOMAN: Thanks. Sweetie.

Panel 3 – Car speeds off. The cop looks sick. His partner says...

COP’S PARTNER: What the hell was that?

COP: Corporates. One of ‘em was tore up pretty bad. Don’t know what they’re up to down here, but I’m not sticking my nose where it don’t belong.

COP’S PARTNER: Jesus. Let’s get outta here.



oh, fuck. I smell a bitchin' origin in the making... Mammoth, Mastodon, you get the idea.


Don't Stop Believin' (Stinkyman No.1, updated)

No. 1 – Dust Him Off


Panel 1 – We are positioned behind a familiar bald head. At a table in a bar, bright with neon, dark with trouble. Some smooth-looking Don Johnson lookalike sonofabitch flanked by two scary heavy-hitters staring straight into the face of the bald man.

CAPTION: “1983. Year of the dirtbag.”

MR. SMOOTH: Why do you come back, Senor? I tell you already, I know nothing of the little girl. Still you come back. You make me do things I would rather not do. Why?

Panel 2 – Close-up of Mr. Smooth, we can see a hazy shadow of our bald hero in the reflection of his sunglasses.

MR. SMOOTH: You have persistence. This, I can admire in a man. But you are too much this way. There is a point, where every man must learn to take ‘no’ for an answer. You understand?

Panel 3 – Overhead shot. We can clearly see Mr. Smooth and his two goons, but the light casts a shadow over the fourth man, allowing us to see only a silhouette.

MR. SMOOTH: So, before you ask me another time, I will answer you. And I pray you will not be so . . . persistent . . . in your reaction this time.

Panel 4 – Wide shot from the far side of the bar. We still have a better look at the three men on one side of the table, the bald man still just a shadow.

MR. SMOOTH: The little girl that you speak of, I have never seen her. So, is there anything else you would like to ask me, or are we finally done here now, Senor?


Panel 1 – Close-up, the bald man’s mouth, blood trickling from the corner.

STINKYMAN: No more questions.

Panel 2 – Mr. Smooth, smiling.

MR. SMOOTH: Good, Senor. You make a good choice. We are finished then, no?

Panel 3 – Medium shot of Stinkyman. The lighting is still bad, but we can see his face is beaten and bruised. One eye is completely shut and blood runs from a cut in his cheek.

STINKYMAN: I’m done.

Panel 4 – Back to the original angle behind Stinkyman’s head. The three goons are smiling.

Panel 5 – Close-up of Stinkyman’s bleeding mouth.

STINKYMAN: I’m done fucking around with you pansies.

Panel 6 – Close-up of Stinkyman’s eyes. He’s ready to go off.


Panel 1 – Full-page of Stinkyman up-ending the table. He is half-standing in an aggressive crouch. We can finally see Stinkyman clearly in the light. He’s big. And he’s pissed. The goons throw up their hands to defend themselves. It’s too late.


Panel 1 – Goon No. 1 reaches in his coat for a gun, but Stinkyman grabs his wrist. At the same time, our hero delivers a solid kick to the chest of Goon No. 2. Mr. Smooth is cowering to get out of the way.

Panel 2 – Shot of Stinkyman and Goon No. 1 struggling over the gun.

Panel 3 – BLAM!

Panel 4 – Floor-eye-view looking up at Stinkyman holding the gun at the end of his outstretched arm. Goon No. 1 is on the floor, a bullet in his brain.

Panel 5 – Stinkyman aims the gun at Goon No. 2. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Three bullets to the chest.


Panel 1 – Mr. Smooth is in the corner. The shadow of the bald man falls over him.

Panel 2 – Stinkyman, holding the gun at his side.

STINKYMAN: Where is the girl?

Panel 3 – Mr. Smooth is ready to piss himself.

MR. SMOOTH: Please, please, Senor. I only do what I was told. I tell them you are not to be underestimated, but they tell me-


Panel 4 – Mr. Smooth on the floor. He is holding a key.

MR. SMOOTH: She is here. She is safe. Downstairs. There, through that door. Here is the key. You’ll see. She is safe. All the little girls are safe.

Panel 5 – Stinkyman takes the key.

STINKYMAN: Good. Now, we’re done.

Panel 6 – Close-up, the gun. BLAM!


Panel 1 – Full page of Stinkyman.

STINKYMAN: Persistence pays off again.


Panel 1 – Close-up of a beaten Stinkyman, this time our hero looks older (can you make a smiley face look older?), still fit for his age, but 20-some-odd years of ass kickings given and received will take a toll.

CAPTION: “2007. I’m too old for this crap.”

Panel 2 – Wider shot. Stinkyman is in what appears to be a prison cell or a cellar – old, hard gray rock walls with no windows. His hands are bound at the wrists above his head by a chain that hangs from the ceiling. He is a beaten mess.

Panel 3 – Angle from behind Stinkyman. A door bursts open. Two men enter, one holds a chainsaw.

Panel 4 – Made Guy and Thug with Chainsaw.

MADE GUY: Carve this bald bastard up.

THUG: You got it.

Panel 5 – Close-up, chainsaw. Grrrrrrrrrr!

Panel 6 – Chainsaw starts to cut into Stinkyman’s shoulder. Blood is spraying.

CAPTION: “Yeah. It hurt real goddamn bad. I blacked out before the blades reached bone.”


Panel 1 – Back to the bar, 1983. Stinkyman, key in hand, heads for the door.

Panels 2,3,4 – Series of close-ups show him put the key in the lock and turn and open the door to the darkness below. CLICK.

Panel 5 – Stinkyman POV looking down the steps. It’s dark down there.


Panel 6 – Stinkyman at the bottom step. He pulls a cord to switch on the light. The basement is empty, just a bunch of crates and a broken pinball machine.

STINKYMAN: Sarah, are you here?

Panel 7 – Close-up, Stinkyman.

CAPTION: “She wasn’t there. No one was there. I was at a dead end and had just put a bullet in my only source of information.”


Panel 1 - Night. Outside the El Palacio Hotel in Miami. Forget the neon and glitz of South Beach. This is ‘Old Florida’. Ten floors of pink stucco towering above a neighborhood where even the churches have bars on the windows. Pushers, pimps, whores, junkies and whinos mill about outside.

Panel 2 – Black sports car pulls up. A CALL GIRL is heading for the front door.

Panel 3 – Very hot woman, ANGIE, gets out of the car. The call girl is entering the hotel.

Panel 4, 5, 6 – Quick shots of ANGIE following the call girl through the lobby and to the elevator. The elevator doors shut in panel 6.


Panel 1 – INT. Room 513. In the foreground is a Miami-Dade phone book open to “Escorts”. In the background is the door.


Panel 2 – Stinkyman opens the door to see ANGIE, wearing a dress that struggles to adequately cover her girl parts.

ANGIE: Hey baby, you call for some company?

STINKYMAN: I’m looking for some information.

Panel 3 – Angie brushes past Stinkyman into the room. Stinkyman’s face, still showing plenty of signs from the night’s activity, show’s us he’s caught off guard by her maneuver.

ANGIE: You a cop? You gotta tell me, you know.

Panel 4 – Stinkyman closes the door. Angie sits on the bed.

STINKYMAN: I don’t think it really works that way, but no, I’m not a cop. I’m looking for someone.

ANGIE: Looks like you took quite a beating. What’s your name?

STINKYMAN: Call me John.

ANGIE: Cute.

Panel 5 – Angie lies back on the bed, resting on one elbow. She is put together.

ANGIE: It’s three-hundred, John. Non-negotiable.


Panel 1 – Stinkyman lights a smoke. Wide angle from the bed, Angie’s hot-ass body in the fore.

STINKYMAN: Yeah. I’m sure you’re something. What do you know about porno?

Panel 2 – Close-up Angie, smirking.

ANGIE: I know it’ll cost you a lot more than three-hundred.

Panel 3 – Stinkyman and Angie. She is sitting on the bed now.

STINKYMAN: Nice. What I mean is, suppose I want to get my hands on some stuff they don’t sell in the store. Know what I mean?

ANGIE: What are you into?

STINKYMAN: I’m looking for someone, got herself mixed up in some shit. A kid.

Panel 4 – Angie. Hot, steamy, sexy smile.

ANGIE: Wouldn’t you rather play with someone a little more . . . grown up?

Panel 5 - Stinkyman grabs Angie by both arms and leans down toward her, his face just an inch from her’s.

STINKYMAN: This is not a joke! If you can help me, then help me. If not, then ‘say goodnight, Gracie!’


Panel 1 – Angie drives a knee straight to Stinkyman’s nuts. FWHUMP!

Panel 2 – Small panel. Closeup Stinkyman.


Panel 3 – Dominant panel on the page. Angie is holding a small pistol (Where’d she hide that thing!?!?) aimed at Stinkyman’s head. Stinkyman is crouched in pain after the kick to the nads.

ANGIE: Grab me again, you psycho and I’ll ventilate that big bald head of yours!

Panel 4 – Stinkyman looking up at Angie.

STINKYMAN: Where’d you get that gun?

ANGIE: Girl’s gotta have her secrets.

Panel 5 – Stinkyman bent over at the waist, hands on his knees, trying to regain himself. Angie lights a smoke.


Panel 1 – The hotel room. Stinkyman is seated now, still a little bent over from the pain. Angie is back on the bed, smoking.

ANGIE: I know these guys have some young girls – thirteen, fourteen – but they don’t do porno. Just tricks. There’s a clientele out there for that, y’know? The younger the better. Who’s the girl, your daughter?

STINKYMAN: Just a kid.

ANGIE: Sure. You are a cop, aren’t you?

Panel 2 – Wide shot of the room.

STINKYMAN: What about these guys you know?

ANGIE: Don’t really know ‘em, you know? Just know OF them. Hear they can be pretty rough. Into just about anything that’s bad in the city, lots of drugs and shit. And little girls.


Panel 1 – Stinkyman standing next to Angie, who is still seated on the bed.

STINKYMAN: Know where I can find these guys?

Panel 2 – Angie on the bed, scribbling on a small scrap of paper.

Panel 3 – Closeup of piece of paper. It reads “Diplomat Lounge.” We can’t make out the rest of the address.

ANGIE: Downtown. Here’s the address. Ask for Bones.

Panel 4 – Medium shot Stinkyman holding a wad of bills.

STINKYMAN: Now, about that three-hundred bucks...


Panel 1 – The chainsaw is deep into the collarbone. Blood is splattering like jello from a blender. The Made Guy smiles in the BG.

Panel 2 – Still smiling as the bullet rips off half his head, the Made Guy never saw it coming. A JFK shot from behind. Point blank range.

Panel 3 – The Thug pauses his lumberjack routine. The door is open, his boss is lying nearly headless in a heap on the floor. In the doorway is a woman, early thirties, good-looking, all-business in her t-shirt and jeans, hair pulled back in a long dark ponytail. But it’s not the ponytail that The Thug is thinking about. It’s the hand cannon the woman is aiming at his head.

Panel 4 – Closeup Thug.

THUG: Fuck you, bitch.


Panel 5 – The shot, to the forehead, knocks the Thug backwards and sends the chainsaw airborne.


Panel 1 – Stinkyman’s clouded POV of the shooting in front of him.

CAPTION: “They never knew.”

Panel 2 – The woman stands and looks at Stinkyman, his hands bound above his head, his shoulder bleeding profusely.

CAPTION: “There are times when you’re sure you’re going to die – I know, I’ve had my share. People say your life flashes before your eyes. All bullshit. Most of your life sucks, no point in wasting time with it.”

Panel 3 – The woman is closer to Stinkyman.

CAPTION: “What you think about is one thing, one person, one place. That one thing you’ll really miss. For me, She was that one thing. When those bastards went to work on me, all I could think about was how I’d never see her again. Her eyes. Her Smile. The way she laughed. That ponytail. God, how I loved that ponytail.

Panel 4 – The woman wraps her arms around Stinkyman.

CAPTION: “My girl.”


Panel 1 – Outside a nightclub. Sign reads DIPLOMAT LOUNGE – MEMBER’S ONLY. Two bouncers who could easily moonlight as moving vans stand on either side of the front door.

CAPTION: Downtown Miami.

Panel 2 – Stinkyman approaches. One of the bouncers turns his head toward Stinkyman.

STINKYMAN: Hey there.

BOUNCER NO. 1: Evening.

STINKYMAN: Say, my truck just ran outta gas about four blocks back that way. Mind if I come in and use your phone, call my girlfriend, let her know I need her to come pick me up?

Panel 3 – Small inset. Angie on the phone.

ANGIE: I sent him to the club. He’s on his way now. Big guy. Bald.

Panel 4 – Bouncers.

BOUNCER NO. 1: Sorry, pal. Private club.

BOUNCER NO. 2: Fuck off.

BOUNCER NO. 1: What my partner here means is that we can’t let you in.

Panel 5 – Downward bird’s-eye view of the three men.

STINKYMAN: Look, I ain’t a cop. I don’t care what you got going on in there – cards, broads, drugs – whatever. I just gotta call someone and this is the only place for blocks.

Panel 6 – Close-up of Bouncer No. 2 extending a bulky arm toward Stinkyman.

BOUNCER NO. 2: Fuck-

Panel 7 – Close-up of Bouncer No. 2’s hand shoving Stinkyman in the chest.



Panel 1 – Full page. Inside the Diplomat Lounge. Bouncer No. 2 is crashing through the front door following a kick from Stinkyman. The “Members” inside are scrambling for cover. Bouncer No. 1 stands just outside with a “what the fuck!” look on his face.

Page 19

Panel 1 – Stinkyman turns and pumps lead into Bouncer No. 1, who falls backwards, his face frozen in surprise.

Panel 2 – Stinkyman walks into the Diplomat Lounge.

STINKYMAN: I’m looking for a guy named-

Panel 3 – Tight shot of Stinkyman’s legs as he steps over Bouncer No. 2. The gun is resting at our hero’s side. BLAM! A bullet into the brain of Bouncer No. 2.

Panel 4 – Closeup of Stinkyman.



Panel 1 – Sitting at a corner table, his back to the wall, is a skeleton. A skeleton, in fact, wearing an Armani suit and dark aviator shades. The skeleton, obviously BONES, holds a cigarette between his two fingers, the elbow resting on the table, his hand up. The other hand, the skeleton CLICKS his thumb and fore-finger together (Click, click, click, click) in a mocking one-hand clap for our hero.

Panel 2 – Bones at the table.

BONES: Nice entrance. I knew you weren’t one for subtlety but I didn’t quite expect this.


Crummy Commercial

Stay tuned for the new and improved Stinkyman No. 1 script coming to this site tomorrow (or really early Saturday).

Master Mastodon

Oh shit, do I ever have a mastodon character sketch coming along...



My apologies to Dr. Manhattan

Just finished reading "Watchmen." I'm embarrassed for not reading it years ago when I first saw it on the shelf, but better late than never I guess.

Truly fantastic stuff. Any fan of comic books, super heroes, science fiction or just really superb story-telling needs to put this gem on their reading list.


Imagine the tusks!

I'm going to create a character named Mastodon and boy is he gonna RAWK badass!