

What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

So the web comic version thing... where are we at on that?
Do we wanna do it that way? If yes, should it be formatted differently than standard print comic dimensions? Or no? And when I say 'do it that way', I don't mean ONLY that way... I'm all for keeping with a print version -- but there'd be a parallel web version for the time being too...

Should it reside in a different place, like a 'finished' comic (i.e., (not live yet - wait till Friday)) - and this here blog is the place to watch the work in progress?

sry if I'm making nihil sense. sleepy.

ps. I've finally secured the blackpsalm domain.. it was stuck in limbo. can suck it.

I'll post again when that's live.


Eric Barnes said...

OK, I'm just spit-balling here, thinking out loud, but I think it would be cool to have the web comic be short episodes that run each week (only 8-12 panels or less?) and connect to form a larger single storyline - almost like a TV show season.

I think those stories should be seperate from the main story, that would most hopefully be a printed graphic novel or individual comic books.

I think the web comic should live at with links to and from this blog that shows what's going on sorta behind the curtain.

Eric Barnes said...

But there's more...

Perhaps the Web Comic could show surveillance reports from organizations tracking Stinkyman (cops, mob, government, secret society?). Cool, fuzzy photographs of our hero performing mundane tasks along with some chatter about what he did during the day. These could fit inside the main story, as seperate viewpoints to add more information. Would require less work (which is good); would require more thinking and planning (not our strong suit).

Q109 said...

Treating the webcomic as a separate entity sounds scary, as it's more stuff to do (also not our strong suit).

I do like the whole intermingled web/nonweb shabullet though. And I like the idea of mini, non-big story arc bits where there's more freedom to dwell on mundane shabullet. But see there? More stuff to do. Good thing I'm not the writer. :P

Man. That King Contrary Man is a bitchin song.
How the FUCK could you make that album and then just wander off into suckdom never to return from suckdom.
I confuse Rick Ruben with Coop.

Good to know, I'm sure.