

Time elements

When sitting down to write the re-birth of Stinkyman 20 years after his disappearance, nostalgia of "his" time was important to me. Hence the story begins in 1983. But now I'm wondering if such mention of specifics is necessary? As the world begins to take shape with your images I'm not sure there's any relevance to an era. The artistic style is clearly yours, caked in a sort of super-cool, futuristic brownwash that could be 1923, 1953 or 2083 just as easily as 1983. Perhaps it's too early to tell if the images (or words, for that matter) will have any 80's feel. Anyway I think it's worth discussing, as the balancing act of keeping the chronology straight through both the main story and the "Strange Cases" can be a struggle and will only get tougher as we move forward. If we want to continue as if the events are happening anytime (in the past, in the future, yesterday, next week, etc.) then that's cool, because it will be easier to write. However, if the time period matters (as in the events of 1983 should look quite a bit different from 2007), then let's decide that now.


j said...

All places are filthy and gross and hopeless-looking, all of the time.

The cars, clothes, hair, makeup are what will set the time period, visiually.

A couple of big stabs will do it. I haven't stabbed yet ;P

j said...

er, which is to say: yes, I think the time period matters, and should stay the way you have written it.

ps. Brown rules. 4evar. FTW.

pps. The color Brown. Not Jeff Brown.

ppps. Although, he may very well rule, that's not what I was saying.

Eric Barnes said...

You're not very good at fighting...